From a graduated LAW STUDENT to an outstanding RAPPER, Bunga Isme | REELS OR REAL PODCAST

2024-06-11 35

In this episode, we chat with Bunga Isme, the groundbreaking Malaysian rapper who's shattering stereotypes. She originally dreamed of being a politician, but a local rap showcase called U TRY RAP Please changed everything. Known for rocking the stage in a hijab and baju kurung with a sweet smile, Bunga is redefining what it means to be a rapper.

Bunga discusses overcoming her father's initial disapproval of her entertainment career, balancing life as a rapper and full-time law student, and dealing with criticism after being chosen to perform at Coldplay's concert in Malaysia. She also explains why she believes rap music should be taught in Malaysian schools to create awareness among young kids. Join Bunga Isme for an energising conversation on REELS OR REAL PODCAST!

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